man 1. ------------ board
Answer: man overboard
How do you find it? Try the next one...
stand 2. ------------ i
Answer: I understand Want to try again? How about this: 3. /r/e/a/d/i/n/g/
Answer: reading between the lines
Oh! But don't give up yet. There are more... Try your luck!
4. r road a d
Answer: cross road
Not having a good day now, are you ?
Redeem yourself. 5. cycle cycle cycle
Answer: tricycle Hahaha! Have you figured it out?
Next one...
0 6. ------------ M..D.
Answer: two degrees below zero C'mon give it a little thought ! !
7. knee light
Answer: neon light ( knee - on - light ) It's not bad. You can still prove you are smart if you can answer this:
ground 8. --------------- feet feet feet feet feet feet
Answer: six feet underground Oh no, not again ! ! 9. he's X himself
Answer: he's by himself
Now you are messing up big time. 10. ecnalg
Answer: backward glance Give it another try...
11. death ....... life
Answer: life after death
Give it another try...
12. abababababababababababababababababababab...
Answer: long time no 'C'
| Ohhh...Okay last chance ....................
Answer: think big ! !
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